From Transportation Department:
Bus #7 will not be running the AM/PM route on Monday, November 11, 2024.

Lincoln School will be attending two basketball games at DCC on Monday (November 11th). We will be eating lunch there, so make sure your child has a sack lunch with them. This will be a fun experience for everyone, Go Bucs!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Thursday from 2-8! Please make sure you have signed up for a time to come visit with your child's teacher. We look forward to seeing everyone!

The lunch menu for November should be coming home this week in your child's red folder. Please note that on November 11th we will be going on a school-wide field trip, so all children will need to bring a sack lunch. 🍎🥦🍔
Just remember that if you plan on eating lunch with your child to call the office no later than 9 am. Lunch times are specific to grade levels: Third: 11:25-11:45 (Recess until 12:10) Fourth: 11:45-12:05 (Recess until 12:30) Fifth: 12:00-12:20 (Recess 11:35-12:00)

From the GPS Transportation Department:
Wednesday 10-30-24
Bus 7 will not run its afternoon route
Thursday 10-31-24
Bus 7 will not run its afternoon route

We have a visitor this morning at Lincoln! This small cat has been hanging around the playground and is trying its best to get inside (it has succeeded twice so far). If this is your cat, or you know who it belongs to please come grab him! 😺

Red Ribbon Week starts on Monday! This year the theme is, "Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free."
Dress up days for Lincoln:
Monday- "Our School is Proud to be Drug Free" wear red or Red Devil gear
Tuesday- "Wake Up Drug Free" wear pajamas
Wednesday- "Drugs are Wack" wear some wacky clothes or hair
Thursday- "Say BOO to Drugs!" wear Halloween colors (NOT costumes)
Please remember to follow the school dress code and check the weather while participating in our dress up days!

Red Ribbon Week starts on Monday! This year the theme is, "Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free."
Dress up days for Lincoln:
Monday- "Our School is Proud to be Drug Free" wear red or Red Devil gear
Tuesday- "Wake Up Drug Free" wear pajamas
Wednesday- "Drugs are Wack" wear some wacky clothes or hair
Thursday- "Say BOO to Drugs!" wear Halloween colors (NOT costumes)
Please remember to follow the school dress code and check the weather while participating in our dress up days!

Picture retakes will be on Tuesday (October 29th).

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming Oct 28–Nov 13. Our students are excited to shop for their own books and every purchase at the Fair benefits our school! For more info, visit https://scholastic.com/bf/lincolnelementaryschool226.

From the Transportation Department:
Bus 7 will not run its PM route on Monday, 10/21.

From the Transportation Department:
Wednesday, 10/16/24,
Bus 7 will not run its AM route.

From the Transportation Department:
Bus 7 will not run its PM route, today, 10/9/24.

From the Transportation Department:
Wednesday, 10/2/24
Bus 4 will not run its PM route.
Thursday, 10/3/24
Bus 4 will not run its AM or PM route.

New month= new menu! 🥪🍕🍎
AND it looks like Thursday will be our first chili and cinnamon roll day of the school year! Just remember that if you plan on eating lunch with your child to call the office no later than 9 am.
Lunch times are specific to grade levels:
Third: 11:25-11:45 (Recess until 12:10)
Fourth: 11:45-12:05 (Recess until 12:30)
Fifth: 12:00-12:20 (Recess 11:35-12:00)

From GPS Transportation Department:
Monday, 9/16
Bus 4 will not run its am or pm route.

Fourth graders have been busy "traveling" the state of Montana this week! The end goal is to find a town within the state that starts with each letter of the alphabet. This is a great kickoff for our year of learning the history of Montana!🗺️

Student pictures will be taken on September 18th (next Wednesday) here at Lincoln. Ordering forms will be coming home with students in the next few days, so be on the lookout! 📸

From the Transportation Department:
Wednesday, 8/28/24, Bus 7 will not run its AM route
Thursday, 8/29/24, Bus 7 will not run its AM route

Update from the Transportation Department:
Pertaining to Bus 2 only
Starting Monday, 8/26/24,
All Bus 2 AM stops will be 10 minutes earlier.